LUXURY Tape/Sticker extensions

LUXURY VIRGIN Russian Human Hair TAPE Extensions.


* 100% exclusive remy sorted virgin human hair durable quality extensions.
* 100% hair cuticles in the same direction, never tangles or fluff.
* Light in weight, easy to handle and comb, shiny and silky soft.
* Natural drying (no use of fast drying by means of ovens)
* Experienced technicians ensure the best quality and is checked in 3 different departments.
* Processing: Bleaching and dyeing the hair by the latest technology during a process
  of 3-4 weeks to guarantee and guarantee the superior quality. (No mass production)
* Both dark and very light colored hair extensions retain quality and stability.
* More than matched with the exclusive North American and European hair extensions brands.
* Guaranteed quality retention approx. 18 months with proper care and use of the right care products (U-ARGAN)